Today is the last day of 40/40.
Even though we are at a nice resort hotel, the learning continues. In the mornings, we are learning how to learn languages. During my first three months living in Africa three years ago, I had to learn French. It was in a classroom setting and taught in a very western style, notebooks and a blackboard. Pilat language learning teaches that every opportunity can be used to learn a language – grocery shopping, church, building relationships – and anyone can be a teacher.
This afternoon I had my evaluation. God has used this month make some things that I’ve thought firm in my mind. He’s shown me that if I am continuously seeking Him, asking him for guidance and looking to follow his will. Then he will be faithful.
40/40 is an experience I’ll never forget. The people involved, the staff national workers and missionaries.

Kristen practices language-learning techniques during out final days of 40/40.

Even though we are at a nice resort hotel, the learning continues. In the mornings, we are learning how to learn languages. During my first three months living in Africa three years ago, I had to learn French. It was in a classroom setting and taught in a very western style, notebooks and a blackboard. Pilat language learning teaches that every opportunity can be used to learn a language – grocery shopping, church, building relationships – and anyone can be a teacher.
This afternoon I had my evaluation. God has used this month make some things that I’ve thought firm in my mind. He’s shown me that if I am continuously seeking Him, asking him for guidance and looking to follow his will. Then he will be faithful.
40/40 is an experience I’ll never forget. The people involved, the staff national workers and missionaries.
Kristen practices language-learning techniques during out final days of 40/40.

I think it would be great if this was kept up by someone on the 40/40 Team. Praying for the 40/40 coming up soon! Priscilla