this morning, i woke up a beautiful sunrise. i grabbed the bucket and basin and walked to the well to pump some water for my bucketshower. carrying the water the short distance from the well to the showers was more difficult than i expected. i had to stop every few paces to switch arms, spilling it as i went. the “showers” are actually canvas dividers on a concrete block, each equipped with a pulley system. you let down a bucket, pour in your water, and pull the bucket back to the top, making sure you tie the rope well. the water was cold, cold.
after my shower, i walked to where the "kitchen tent" where there is coffee waiting, and spent some time reading and praying. i love the mornings here.

bryce pumps water for himself and his family. he's a nice guy.

after my shower, i walked to where the "kitchen tent" where there is coffee waiting, and spent some time reading and praying. i love the mornings here.
bryce pumps water for himself and his family. he's a nice guy.