today we are going to learn about health and medicine in a rural context. when we got out of the truck, falecy led us a long way from the torwn through what can only be described as an African subdivision. as we walked, a group of zambian children followed us, hiding behind trees and bushes when we stopped. we finally arrived at a house. the torn sign on the front gate announced dr. mikeluwai, traditional healer.
we waited until we were invited in. 2 men ushered us into the backyard and laid down reed mats for us to sit on. after we all sat down, we exchanged introductions and told him that we were here to learn about african and zambian culture. he explained that he was a traditional heanler, age 28, and had ben practicing for 12 years. he told us he used herbs and trees for treating various illnesses. he also told us that he had a spirit he inherited from his parents that told him what illness a person was suffering from and how to treat them. there are some diseases that he sends on to the hospital, and some that he can treat himself. he also said that some people will come to him who have been bewitched, or possessed by evil spirits. he told us that all healing, and all medicines of the earth, are from God, and we should pray as we receive them.
he told us that he was a christian. he said sometimes even witches come to him when they want to give up witchcraft, and he shows them how to do this. talking to him really challenged by opinions about medicine, healing and witchcraft. the people of africa are so much more in touch with spirituality then us in the west. i think, often, they see the spiritual world much more clearly than i can. the demonic warfare they face daily is more real than what i know. i find myself wanting black and white answers, wanting to categorize what i see, and clearly define it. but the lines between the spiritual and the physical, the sacred and the secular, the church and the world, are so blurred.
a christian witchdoctor?

the sign on the front gate of the traditional healer.

dr. mikeluwai. he was a kind and soft spoken man.

we waited until we were invited in. 2 men ushered us into the backyard and laid down reed mats for us to sit on. after we all sat down, we exchanged introductions and told him that we were here to learn about african and zambian culture. he explained that he was a traditional heanler, age 28, and had ben practicing for 12 years. he told us he used herbs and trees for treating various illnesses. he also told us that he had a spirit he inherited from his parents that told him what illness a person was suffering from and how to treat them. there are some diseases that he sends on to the hospital, and some that he can treat himself. he also said that some people will come to him who have been bewitched, or possessed by evil spirits. he told us that all healing, and all medicines of the earth, are from God, and we should pray as we receive them.
he told us that he was a christian. he said sometimes even witches come to him when they want to give up witchcraft, and he shows them how to do this. talking to him really challenged by opinions about medicine, healing and witchcraft. the people of africa are so much more in touch with spirituality then us in the west. i think, often, they see the spiritual world much more clearly than i can. the demonic warfare they face daily is more real than what i know. i find myself wanting black and white answers, wanting to categorize what i see, and clearly define it. but the lines between the spiritual and the physical, the sacred and the secular, the church and the world, are so blurred.
a christian witchdoctor?
the sign on the front gate of the traditional healer.
dr. mikeluwai. he was a kind and soft spoken man.

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